Special Education Questions
- Who can make a referral (request for evaluation)?
- Who should be a member of the IEP team?
- What is an Evaluation?
- What is an IEP?
- What must the IEP team consider in developing an IEP?
- What is the Least Restrictive Environment?
- What are extended school year services?
- What does “transition” mean?
- What Vocational Programs are available for students?
Who can make a referral (request for evaluation)?
a. You, the Parent
b. School Staff
c. The Ohio Department of Education or another public agency
Who should be a member of the IEP team?
a. You, the Parent
b. Your Child, whenever appropriate
c. At Least One Regular Education Teacher
d. At Least One Special Education Teacher
e. A District Representative
f. At the discretion of you or the school district, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding your child, including related services personnel when appropriate
g. The school district must invite a representative of any participating agency that may provide or pay for transition services to the degree appropriate, with the consent of the parents or a child who has reached 18 years of age
What is an Evaluation?
An evaluation is a process used to gather information that will help determine whether your child is a child with a disability. It also will help determine your child’s educational needs. A reevaluation must be done for any student receiving Special Education Services every three years to determine whether you child continues to be eligible for these services.
What is an IEP?
An IEP is a written statement for a child with a disability that outlines the educational goals and objectives your child will work on in the coming year. It also outlines the supports and services your child needs to meet the goals stated in the IEP.
What must the IEP team consider in developing an IEP?
a. Your child’s strengths
b. Your concerns for improving your child’s education
c. The results of the first or most recent evaluation of your child
d. The results of your child’s performance on any state-wide or district-wide assessments
e. What your child needs to learn, develop and function properly
What is the Least Restrictive Environment?
The law considers your child’s place of learning to be first the regular classroom or other general education environment. If the team determines that a different setting is needed for any service your child receives, it will tell you why your child cannot participate inthe general education setting and how your child’s setting and activities are different from those of children without disabilities.
What are extended school year services?
Extended school year (ESY) services are special education and related services your child with a disability may receive beyond the normal 180-day school year. The school district must make extended school year services available to your child only if your child’s IEP team decides that extended school year services are necessary if the break in instruction would result in significant loss of knowledge or skills for the child. The IEP team must also decide that his loss would negatively affect the child’s ability to make progress towards educational goals.
What does “transition” mean?
Transition is the process of planned activities that may result in changes in services and the staff who provide those services. There are at least three times in a child's educational career when transition activities should occur: a. When the child moves from early intervention services (birth-2 years old) to preschool special education services (3-5 years old); b. When the child moves from preschool special education services to school-age special education services (6-21 years old); and c. When the child moves from school-age special education services to community life (22 years old or more).
What Vocational Programs are available for students?
Students at Perry High School have the option of attending Auburn Career Center during their junior and senior years. Auburn provides a career-based, hands-on learning environment where students master the skills of their particular technical program, preparing them for higher training or the work force after graduation. Auburn places students in a real-world setting and provides them with learning experiences they would not receive in a traditional classroom setting. Students can also earn free college credit through some of the college preparatory classes offered. Twenty different career and technical programs are available for students to choose from, and students are encouraged to visit Auburn during their sophomore year to determine if it may be the right fit for them.