Professional Development
Perry Local Schools has five full days for professional development scheduled annually. In addition to these professional developmet days teacher teams meet weekly for Professional Learning Community time.
Purpose of the PLC:
- Facilitate data discussions and instructional planning to positively and directly impact students. Thhe 5-step process is the integral framwork in the structure of TBTs.
- Fidelity to the 5-step process is integral in moving forward with explicit expectations for adults regarding instruction that benefits students at our school.
Purpose of the BLT:
- Monitor progress of the PLCs
- Establish priorities for instruction and achievement
- Use data to monitor adult implementation and student progress.
Purpose of the DLT:
Support instruction through:
- data-mined goal setting,
- goal centered professional development and
- clear timely monitoring of progress.
Goals are two-part around (1) culture and (2) instruction. Goals have multiple components designed to make expectations explicit and provide a common focus for the district as communicated in the Perry Learner Profile.
Three Critical Questions:
- What is it I am to learn?
- How am I doing?
- What do I need to do to become better?
Our System and Process for Continual Improvement