English Learners
About English Learning (EL)
190 of our students are from multilingual homes representing five countries and languages. Our learning community appreciates the rich cultural and linguistic diversity that families bring to our schools. The Perry Local Schools staff strives to develop a culture and environment that embraces the wide range of student strengths, identities and needs. We are proud of and grateful for the strong partnerships with all of our families. Approximately 55-60 of our students with linguistically diverse backgrounds meet the criteria to be identified and served as English Learners every year.
The mission of the Perry Local Schools English Learner Program is to ensure students have equal access to learning standards and school success. Please click here to read the District's EL Plan.
Perry Local Schools provides each English Learner (EL) student with quality instruction based on their individual needs in reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking the English language. Emphasis is placed on providing students with the greatest possible access to the general education and social skills curriculum. Perry Schools encourages parent and family involvement in school and community activities.
What is EL?
According to the Ohio Department of Education, the term "English Learners" (EL) refer to those students whose native or home language is other than English, and whose current limitations in the ability to understand, speak, read or write in English inhibit their effective participation in a school’s educational program.
How do students qualify for EL services?
Parents/guardians who register student(s) in Perry Local Schools will complete a Home Language Survey contained within the online registration application. If the survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken, the registrar will inform the appropriate EL tutor who will administer the Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS). The assessment will take place within 30 days of the start of the school year, or within 15 days of enrollment at a time other than the beginning of the school year. Once the assessment is completed and the student qualifies, the student’s parents will be notified by mail in their native language. The notification will include detailed results of the assessment, how the EL program will aide the student in learning English, and program exit requirements.
The Every Student Succeeds Act helps meet the needs of EL students by holding districts accountable for the development and administration of effective language acquisition programs and promoting parental involvement in the language acquisition process for their student(s). For more information visit Ohio Department of Education: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
What EL services are provided at Perry?
Perry provides intensive EL intervention by a TESOL licensed professional to qualifying students during a daily class period. The intervention is customized to each student's unique needs in reading, writing, listening and speaking. EL staff align planning with the student's general education teachers and are also available to translate communication between parents/guardians and the school.
Parents Rights (Title III and Parent Notification)
EL Team

Jessica Siegel
EL/TESOL Teacher
(440) 259-9200, x.2102

Kali West
EL/TESOL Teacher
(440) 259-9200 x3161

Neisha Gonazlez Natal
EL Ed Associate
(440) 259-9200 x1104